The West Cornwall Pasty Company Menu With Prices [Updated April 2024]

The West Cornwall Pasty Company menu with prices may vary slightly according to your nearest location. I’ve provided The West Cornwall Pasty Company outlet’s menu from Swindon, U.K The menu will be updated on the 1st April 2024.

West Cornwall Pasty Company store

For accurate prices, look for the menu of the nearest The West Cornwall Pasty Company menu from its official website, or any other food delivery app.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company menu with prices is famous for its cornish pasties. It serves a wide range of hot and cold drinks like Americano, espresso, coconut crush smoothies, strawberry frappe, etc. All these food items are available at prices from £1 to £3.

You’ll have a more detailed view of the menu and the prices if you scroll further down. You’ll get to know about the nutritional value of the food products, franchising details, social media handles and other links. Now, let’s begin with the history of The West Cornwall pasty Company.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company was established in 1998 by Ken Cocking  and has been owned by Mark and David Samworth since 2017.

It is a UK-based fast food company that specializes in making and selling pasties. It is headquartered in Cornwall, England, and is currently serving at 51 locations.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company Menu Prices

The traditional Cornish Pastry

Cornish pasties are simple quick bites that are as healthy as a complete meal. I usually enjoy pasties while having my evening walk.

It’s a full-packed meal with a bunch of delicious flavors and a crispy crust. If you want to have one, the West Cornwall pasty shop is the ultimate place for you.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company specializes in pasties, but it has many other food items that are equally delicious and worth a try. So, what are you waiting for? Visit the store and experience the delicious food and its comfy ambiance by yourself.

Don’t forget to try the sweet treats, snacks, and savory rolls from the West Pasty shop. Look at the menu price tables below and read further if you need to know more about the West Cornwall Pasty Company.

Pasties, Sausage Roll & Savoury

Pasties, Sausage Roll & Savoury£3.95
Chicken & Chorizo Pasty Med£3.95
Wheatmeal Vegetable Pasty Med£3.95
Traditional Pasty Large£4.95
Chicken & Mushroom Large£4.95
Large Sausage Roll£2.50

Cold Drinks

Diet Coke£1.69
Sparkling Water£1.49
Still Water£1.49

Also, check out the official Delectable Egg menu.

Sweet (Wrapped Bars)


Also, read the complete Portillo’s menu with prices.

How To Order Online From The West Cornwall Pasty Company?

Want to enjoy your favorites from The West Cornwall Pasty Company at home? Well! Now, you can have such a delightful experience. Wanna know how? Try ordering food from The West Cornwall Pasty Company by referring to their official website, or any other food delivery app.

To order food from The West Cornwall Pasty Company, you can refer to some leading food delivery service apps like Deliveroo. We have shared detailed screenshots that show how to order food online from The West Cornwall Pasty Company.

Finding The Latest The West Cornwall Pasty Company Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location

1. Open Deliveroo and place the order online from The West Cornwall Pasty Company.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company Page

2. Add the location of any nearest outlet of The West Cornwall Pasty Company.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company location

3. Once you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed.

The West Cornwall Pasty Company menu


The West Cornwall Pasty Company menu is mostly famous for its cornish pasties. Why wait? Refer to the above details about the updated menu items and their prices and head to the nearest outlet of  Itsu and enjoy! Refer to the details and enjoy the goodness of their menu items. 

Frequently Asked Questions Related To The West Cornwall Pasty Company [FAQs]

Does The West Cornwall Pasty Company provide gift cards?

Yes, The West Cornwall Pasty Company provides gift cards. It’s the perfect gift for any occasion.

Who owns The West Cornwall Pasty Company?

The West Cornwall Pasty Company was own by Mark and David Samworth.

Does The West Cornwall Pasty Company have good food?

Yes, they have good food. It is the place to try out tasty flavors, whether mouthwatering pastrys, sweet or drinks.

Who founded The West Cornwall Pasty Company?

The West Cornwall Pasty Company was founded by Ken Cocking.

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