Orange Julius Menu With Prices [Updated April 2024]

Orange Julius menu with prices may vary slightly according to your nearest location. We have shared the menu of Orange Julius from the location Ontario, Canada. The menu is updated on the 1st of April 2024.

Orange Julius Restaurant

For the accurate prices, you might have to look for the menu of nearest Orange Julius from its official website, or any other delivery platform.

Orange Julius menu with prices is equipped with the sections like blended treats and drinks. All the menu items here are for under $8.40.

It was just an overview of their menu. I will also tell you about the franchising details, contact information, and the nutritional information on the Orange Julius menu. But knowing all of this, let’s see some history about Orange Julius.

Orange Julius is a Canadian chain of fruit drink beverage stores. It was started by Julius Freed in 1926. The first store he opened was in Los Angeles, California.

At present, they have more than 6000 stores and the headquarters of their company is in Edina, Minnesota, U.S.

Orange Julius Menu With Prices

Orange Julius Food

The menu of Orange Julius includes full of tasty smoothies like strawberry banana, mango pineapple, triple berry, tropi colada, orangeberry, etc. They also have fruit smoothies and Julius original.

The super smoothies and original Orange Julius section includes dragon berry, mango heat, pina colada, strawberry, etc. The prices of all the menu items here will depend on the size you choose.

Moreover, in the drinks section they offers a section of sparkler and bottled water.

Orange Julius always serves you real and fresh juices. They always serve unique drinks. The staff of their stores are friendly and helpful. They blend their orange juice with a few choice ingredients to make it less acidic.

Orange Julius has affordable juices which comes under $8.40. So, without waiting, let’s check the latest Orange Julius menu prices.

Blended Treats

Original Orange Julius$5.69
Super Smoothies$6.59


Bottled Water$1.49

Also, read the complete Philly Pretzel Factory menu with prices.

How To Order Online From Orange Julius?

You can order food from Orange Julius by referring to the link of their official website, or any other food delivery platform. The restaurant is best known for quality food and services.

To order food from Orange Julius online, you can also refer some of the leading food delivery service apps like DoordashGrubhubSeamless, and UberEats. We have shared the detailed screenshots that shows how to order food online from UberEats.

Finding The Latest Orange Julius Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location

1. Open the official website of UberEats and begin to place the order online from Orange Julius.

UberEats Homepage

2. Add the location of any nearest outlet of Orange Julius.

Orange Julius Location

3. When you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed.

Orange Julius Menu

4. Select your favorite food item and add it to the cart.

Orange Julius Add To Cart

5. Once you have added the food items, proceed further to checkout and add personal details.

Panera Bread Personal Details


Orange Julius menu is only equipped with the sections like blended treats and drinks. Now that you have all the above information, visit the restaurant. Do not hesitate to share your dining experience with us. We would love to hear from you.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Orange Julius [FAQs]

Where is the headquarter of Orange Julius Restaurant?

The headquarters of their company is in Edina, Minnesota, U.S.

Who started the chain of Orange Julius restaurant?

It was started by Julius Freed in 1926.

Where was the first store of Orange Julius restaurant opened?

The first store of Orange Julius opened was in Los Angeles, California.

How many stores are there of Orange Julius restaurant?

Orange Julius has more than 6000 locations in multiple markets.

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