Moxie’s Grill & Bar Menu With Prices [Updated April 2024]

Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu with prices may slightly vary according to your nearest location. The menu of Moxie’s Grill & Bar is taken from California, USA. We have updated the prices of menu on 1st April, 2024 onwards.

Moxie's Grill & Bar Restaurant

For the accurate prices, you might have to look for the menu of your nearest Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu from its official website, or any other food delivery app.

Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu with prices is equipped with meal bundles, appetizers, salads, steaks, mains, handhelds, kids menu, desserts, and beverages. The most famous dish on Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu is Moxie’s vegetarian power bowl. It costs you $16.

Still more information will be disclosed in this article, such as franchise details, contact information, and nutritional breakdown of the items present on the Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu. But first, let’s check their history.

Moxie’s Grill & Bar is a Canadian restaurant chain in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 1986. At present, they have more than 67 locations in two countries, with its headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

Moxie’s Grill & Bar Menu With Prices

Moxie's Grill & Bar Food

Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu includes meal bundles like family Italian dinner & game night combo; delicious appetizers such as calamari & dry ribs; healthy salads including caesar salad, & chimichurri steak salad.

Moxie’s Grill & Bar also has tasty steaks like sirloin & mushroom sirloin; mains such as lemon basil salmon & baby back ribs. Their menu comprises plates of pasta and bowl such as chicken alfredo & beef vindaloo.

They also have handhelds that include a blackened chicken burger and fries & cheeseburger and fries; for kids, they have a special menu with pasta & cheeseburger, and fries, for delightful sticky toffee & bite of brownie.

All the kids visiting Moxie’s Grill & Bar are always excited to grab their favorite meals from the menu. In no time the kids menu is served warm on the particular tables.

Moxie’s Grill & Bar has an affordable range of dishes starting from $1.00 and goes up to $90.00.

So, without waiting, let’s check the latest Moxie’s Grill & Bar menu prices.


Maple Glazed Brussel Sprouts$16.00
Thai Chili Chicken$18.00
Vegan Potstickers$14.00
Steak Bites$21.00
Vegan Tofu Lettuce Wraps$21.00
Fresh Smashed Guacamole$20.00

Also, read the updated Potbelly menu with prices.


Italian Chopped Salad$24.00
Caesar Salad$17.00
Salmon & Avocado Cobb Salad$27.00
Flat Iron Steak Salad$27.00


Steak Frites$36.00
6 Oz$45.00
Prime Grade Rib Eye$53.00

Also, check out the official Nando’s menu with prices.

Mains & Bowls

Short Rib Bolognese$25.00
Chicken Madeira Rigatoni$24.00
Scottish Salmon$35.00
Blackened Mahi Mahi$32.00
Chipotle Mango Chicken$32.00
Miso Ramen$19.00


Blackened Chicken Burger$21.00
The Cheeseburger$20.00
Loaded Burger$23.00
Beyond Meat Burger$22.00

Also, read the complete Dixie Lee Fried Chicken menu with prices.


White Chocolate Brownie$13.00
Key Lime Pie$13.00
Sticky Toffee Pudding$14.00

Also, read the latest La Belle Province menu with prices.


Kids Grilled Chicken$16.00
Kids Chicken Bites$14.00
Kids Cheeseburger$16.00

How To Order Online From Moxie’s Grill & Bar?

You can order food from the Moxie’s Grill & Bar by referring to their official website, or any other food delivery app. The restaurant is best known for quality food and services.

To order food from Moxie’s Grill & Bar online, you can also refer some of the leading food delivery service apps like DoordashGrubhubSeamlessPostmates, and UberEats. We have shared the detailed screenshots that shows how to order food online from Moxie’s Grill & Bar.

Finding The Latest Moxie’s Grill & Bar Menu With Prices Of Your Nearest Location

1. Open the official website of restaurant and begin to place the order online from Moxie’s Grill & Bar.

Moxie's Official Page

2. Add the location of any nearest Moxie’s Grill & Bar outlet.

Moxie's Location

3. Once you add the location, the complete menu will be displayed.

Moxie's Menu

4. Select your favorite food items and add it to the cart.

Moxie's Add To Cart

5. Proceed further to checkout and confirm the online order.

Moxie's Checkout


I hope you enjoyed reading the important details about Moxie’s Grill & Bar and their latest menu items and their prices. Do check out how to order online section and enjoy online delivery right at your doorstep. You can also visit the restaurant to enjoy these menu items and share your dining experience with us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions Related To Moxie’s Grill & Bar [FAQs]

What is Moxie’s known for?

Moxie’s began as a small deli and diner in Calgary, Alberta, before joining Northland Properties in 1998 and transforming into a contemporary, premium casual dining restaurant and lounge.

What is the best food at Moxie’s?

The best food offered at Moxie’s Grill & Bar are poutine, sushi cones, stuffed baked potatoes, kale and quinoa salad, and much more.

How many Moxie’s locations are there?

There are 50 Moxie’s locations in Canada as of September 29, 2022.

Is Moxie’s only in Canada?

Moxie’s has invited our guests to savor the moment across 55 locations in Canada and the United States for more than 30 years.

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