Air Fryer VS Microwave | Which One Is The Best For You?

Air fryers and microwaves are some of the most talked about cooking equipment commonly found in every household. Despite their features being a little district, we will compare and contrast the two. Let us begin the most awaited debate of air fryer vs microwave; which one is the best for you? 

fryer and oven

If we compare air fryers and microwaves, then there are so many features that stand apart, but again, many features are very similar. Many people consider getting a microwave simply because it is versatile, energy-efficient, and safe. On the other hand, air fryers are best for those who want to enjoy fried food without adding too much fat and calories. 

Air fryers are very compact and easy to handle, whereas microwaves are a little bigger but also very convenient. Many prefer microwaves because they have larger capacities and high-end features, making cooking more accessible and fun. 

You are in the right place if you need clarification about what to choose. Today, we will talk in-depth about everything about air fryers and microwaves. Stay till the end, and I may have a surprise for you. So, let us begin the conversion without any further stretch. 

What Is Better – Air Fryer Or Microwave?

chicken fry

The debate of which is better – air fryer or microwave is a long one, but today I will talk about all the significant differences between the both. The microwave is much better, but it depends on the purpose of use. So, let’s look at the difference table and determine which is better for you.

Basis Of DifferenceAir FryerMicrowave
Technology usedConvectionElectromagnetic waves
HealthCut down the calories and fatRetains all the nutrients
Time5 to 10 minsDepends on the food; 20 to 30 minutes; re-heating: 1 to 2 minutes
Taste of the foodTaste may differ from deep fryingTaste is approximately the same as traditional cooking
MaintenanceLow MaintenanceLow Maintenance
Cooking  CapabilitiesCan fry, roast, bake, and grill with a crispy textureCan heat, defrost, and cook food quickly
Energy  EfficiencyLess energyMore than an air fryer
Temperature RangeUsually up to 400 degrees FahrenheitAround 212 degrees Fahrenheit 
Cooking CapacityLimitedMore

What Is A Microwave & How Does It Work?

micro in kitchen

A microwave oven is a food-heating device that uses microwaves very similar to radio waves. Microwaves are reflected by metals and pass through glass, paper, or plastic, which is then absorbed by food. A microwave will be handy if you want to heat up your food fast. In scientific terms, microwaves stimulate food molecules using electromagnetic energy, which produces heat. 

The best thing about microwaves is that they do not exhibit ionizing radiation like X-rays that harm humans. Just make sure you purchase microwaves from the manufacturers certified by the FDA. It is also said that microwaves are more efficient in heating food than other conventional cooking methods. 

Another great thing about microwaves is that they are versatile; you can use glass, paper, ceramic, or plastic containers. In the case of plastic, make sure you use a good quality one; otherwise, it will only melt in the microwave. 

It is exciting to note that microwave ovens have been helping many individuals by warming food and baking delicious cuisines since they gained popularity in the 1970s. Microwave ovens are efficient as they produce lots of energy. If you look at the size, they are small and super convenient. 

The working process of a microwave oven is a little complicated. It converts electricity into heat that warms or cooks your food. Firstly, the magnetron, an essential and central component of the microwave, generates electromagnetic waves inside the microwave.

These waves bounce back and forth through the interior and then bounce off the interior’s metal walls to penetrate and heat food that sits on a turntable, spinning slowly around so the microwaves cook it evenly. 

Many people believe that microwaves cook food inside out, unlike conventional ovens. However, this is partially true as some food can be cooked nicely, whereas some may not cook the food from the inside, just like conventional ovens. 

Just ensure you take all the essential precautions before using a microwave oven. Follow the manual guide properly and take all the safety measures. Use microwave-friendly cookware, and only keep food for as long as required. Be attentive while using a microwave, and switch off the appliance once you are done cooking.

Is Using A Microwave Healthy?

microwave safety

Yes, a microwave is healthy if you cook warm food. Many studies show that microwaves do not emit ionizing radiation like X-rays, which harms humans. Therefore, it is very safe to use microwaves. Just make sure you do not burn your food while cooking.

Also, people may say that microwaved food does not have nutrients, but that is not true. If you cook food appropriately, no nutrients will be lost, and food will be equally delicious. You can even eat microwave food regularly. Just make sure that you microwave healthy and tasty food. 

Different Types Of Microwaves

Before you plan to get a new microwave, you must learn about the different types available in the market. Let us look at some different microwaves with unique features so that you can make an informed decision. 

1. Built-in Microwaves

As the name suggests, built-in microwaves are installed in the pre-existing cabinets. The best thing about this microwave is that it can be a perfect fit for any place in your home. You can enjoy a wall-fitted microwave and a streamlined cooking process. These microwaves match and elevate the kitchen aesthetics. 

2. Microwave Hood Combinations

Also called an over-range microwave, you can enjoy the non-traditional way of cooking in the microwave. You can keep your kitchen counters free with microwave hood combinations. Microwave hood combinations come in small and large capacities with many unique features. 

3. Countertop Microwaves

We all know about countertop microwaves; they are familiar and popular in almost every household. All you need for a countertop microwave is an even platform and an outlet. Within a few minutes, your countertop microwave will be ready to use. They are super convenient and easy to handle, so people prefer them.

4. Under-Counter Microwaves

Another type of microwave that catches my eye is a countertop microwave. Again, they are perfect if you don’t want to busy your countertops. They are an ideal fit for modern aesthetic style. They are super convenient to use, and the best feature about under-counter microwaves is that they do not have sliding doors but are smooth, just like sliding the microwave out. 

5. Convection Microwaves

Convection microwaves have heating elements similar to ovens; you can bake, broil, or roast. They are perfect for someone who loves trying different food and cuisines; why should one consider a convection microwave simply if one wants to enjoy a microwave and oven in a single piece of equipment? 

6. Low profile microwaves

Like over-range microwave ovens, they are installed above the range or cooktop and under the cabinets. I love low-profile microwaves as they are so compact and seemingly beautiful. They match the current generation’s vibe by being sleek and aesthetic. 

7. Smart microwaves

With the innovative generation, we also need smart microwaves. As technology has surpassed expectations, there are so many features available in a microwave that are super smart. You get Wi-Fi enabled, remote control, and even voice-controlled microwaves; I can bet that they are entertaining to use

8. Grill Microwave

Grilling and microwaving at the same time is possible with a grill microwave. You can actually grill, sear, and even brown your food. The only downfall you may feel about grill microwaves is that they could be better at baking. They are also perfect if you want to grill or even reheat food. 

Pros Of Having A Microwave


1. Saves Time

Without any doubt, microwaves save so much time and energy. The microwave is perfect for you whether cooking, warming, or reheating food. They are super fast and quick in their work. You can cook heavy meals quickly as they are multifunctional and versatile.

2. Retains Nutrients

The myth that has been around for a long time is that microwaves are unhealthy as they lose nutrients. This is very different as the microwave cooks your food nicely and retains nutrients well. The only thing you need to ensure is to cook healthy food, and that is all. 

3. Convenience

Microwaves are super convenient. The features are straightforward to use, and anyone can learn them quickly. Compared to other cooking appliances, I recommend using a microwave as they are versatile and perfect for the hustling generation. 

4. Energy Efficient

Microwaves cook food fast, making everyone believe they use more energy. However, that is not true, as they use less energy than traditional cooking methods. You can adjust the temperature as per your requirement, saving a lot of energy. 

5. Reheats food instantly and quickly

Microwaves are great for cooking food, but they are super great for reheating food. Within a few seconds, you can reheat whatever food you want to and eat them warm. Don’t worry; your food taste and health will not be compromised. 

6. process of defrosting any food item easily 

Many recipes call for defrosting food like chicken and beef. Microwaves are perfect for such things. You don’t have to wait long hours for the food to get normal. The chicken or meat will return to average temperature within a few minutes, and you can continue cooking. 

7. Cleaning a microwave oven is easy

This is the best thing I love about microwaves. They are super easy to clean and maintain. You can use wiping towels or a damp cloth to clean. If you keep the microwave clean after every use, you don’t have to worry much. They are super convenient to keep clean and tidy. 

8. turns off automatically

Sometimes, we are cooking and suddenly get busy with some other chore. Now, if you have left food in a microwave, you don’t have to worry about it. Microwaves have the best feature of an automatic turn-off. You even get the alert sound, and the machine turns off automatically. This makes the microwave super safe for anyone. 

9. There is no need to preheat microwave ovens.

When baking or cooking meat, we need to preheat our conventional ovens. However, the same is not the case with microwaves. You don’t need to preheat the microwave. Prepare the ingredients and cook them in a microwave. It’s super easy and convenient. 

10. Temperature control

One of the best features of microwaves is that you can control the temperature. This way you can cook so many different foods and cuisines. Temperature control also makes the microwave very energy efficient. Usually, many appliances still need this feature, which makes it difficult to control the temperature. 

11. Precise Cooking 

Again, the microwave has specific features like an automatic timer, temperature control, etc. This allows you to follow the recipe and cook any dish accurately and precisely. The features make things much easier and simpler. 

12. Safe For Children 

As mentioned, microwaves have automatic timers, making them safe for children. So you don’t have to worry that the microwave is on and kids are running here and there. You can even explain the features to kids and teach them how to operate a microwave. 

13. No Change In Taste

Another thing that makes a microwave a perfect cooking appliance is that the food you cook in a microwave is almost similar in taste if prepared in another method. The taste or texture mostly stays the same, allowing you to enjoy your food the most. 

14. Reduces the formation of harmful compounds

Many of us don’t know, but using a microwave reduces the formation of harmful compounds. If I compare microwaved food with fried food, it is safe to say that microwaved food is healthier. This is because microwave food does not heat up too much, and food like bacon, which initially produces nitrosamine when cooked in a pan, will have less formation when cooked in a microwave.

Cons Of Having A Microwave

microwave in kitchen

Even though microwaves have so many advantages, there are certain things that you need to know about microwaves before using them. Let us see all the possible downsides of microwaves: 

1. Cautious about the utensils

The only problem I find with microwaves is that I need to have separate utensils for them. This is irritating as I always have to find some containers that fit my recipe and are compatible with microwaves. Many options are available, but then again, you have to invest in good-quality containers, which can be expensive for some people. 

2. Limited Capacity

Again, cooking in the microwave is all fun until and unless you must prepare a large quantity of food. As the size of regular microwaves is small or medium, you can schedule a limited amount of food at a single time. You may have to invest a lot of time if the number of guests increases. 

3. Food may get soggy

Most of us heat or reheat food and expect to enjoy crispy and great texture food. However, there can be days when the food that comes out gets soggy. This can be mainly because of the overheating of the food. So, you need to be cautious while cooking food in the microwave. 

4. Food may dry out

There can be days when your food gets soggy, but many times, due to high heat, the food may dry out. This mainly happens when the food is overcooked, and it is a deal breaker. Make sure that you cook your food sparingly. Keep an eye on it, or set your timer. 

5. Not so versatile

I know that you have the flexibility to cook so many dishes and cuisines. However, microwaves still have limitations when it comes to certain types of cooking methods. If you want to roast or fry something, microwaving may not be an option. So yes, you may need to have other cooking equipment as well. 

What Is An Air Fryer & How Does It Work?

food in air fryer

Simply put, an air fryer is a cooking equipment used to cook food similar to deep frying with no or very little oil. It is an electric kitchen equipment that heats and cooks food. You can fry any food item in an air fryer and enjoy the crispy texture with a moist and tender inside without frying deep. 

The air fryer uses convection heat to fry the food, making it crispy on the inside yet tender and moist. If you are health conscious but also a foodie, then an air fryer can be a great option to eat fried stuff with no or very little use of oil.

Air fryers have become a trendy cooking gadget, and people are buying them to enjoy new cooking methods for frying food. These gadgets fit nicely on your kitchen countertop. Their small size makes it very convenient to use and maintain the machine.

You will be amazed to know that air fryers were launched in 2010 by Philips, and since then, they have exploded the market. 

The best thing about air fryers is that they cook quickly, within a few minutes. With minimal effort, you can enjoy crispy food that is tender and soft from the inside. Prepare the ingredients and let the hot air do the work.

Let’s talk about the structure of an air fryer. It consists of perforated baskets and wire racks with holes that allow hot air from above to circulate the food. The air fryer cooks the outside layer of the food first, then moves to the inside. While the inside of the food cooks, the outer layer gets crispy and golden. 

Another thing that is very important to know is that cooking food with an air fryer is healthy if you cook homemade food. If you fry processed food, then that is not healthy. Moving ahead, cooking in the air fryer is super easy and convenient.

Air fryers are super versatile as well. You can cook almost everything that needs frying, like hot wings, potatoes, and almost anything and everything. You can even fry fish and meat in an air fryer. Not only that, but you can even make doughnuts, cookies, potatoes, and much more.  

If I have to talk about how an air fryer works, I need to clarify that the air fryer doesn’t fry the food. The food goes into the basket, and the machine blows hot air, which cooks the food from the inside out. The heat of the hot air makes the outer layer crispy, and the inside of the food gets tender.

The hot air creates convection heat, which is responsible for food cooking. Coming to the point that you can’t cook in an air fryer, then it is anything that is dipped in liquid, as it will be a mess. Also, the other downside of using an air fryer is that you can only fry limited amounts of food as they are smaller in size. 

Is Using An Air Fryer Healthy?

fries in air fryer

As mentioned above, cooking in an air fryer can be healthy as it depends on the type of food you are cooking. The health benefits of using an air fryer are not so much. On the one hand, cooking potatoes and starchy foods is healthier as it reduces harmful chemicals produced during deep frying. However, on the other hand, air frying certain foods increases the potential for a toxic chemical reaction. 

The one benefit I see is that even if you cook processed food, air fryers use very little oil, which is still better than food deep-fried in an ocean of oil. So you get to cut the fat content and calories, but still, if you fry unhealthy food, the story doesn’t change. I prefer cooking vegetables or homemade meat in an air fryer to enjoy the flavor and gain healthy calories. 

Different Types Of Air Fryers


Now that we have learned so much about air fryers let us see all the options you can choose from, depending on their features and technology. From countertops to pressure cooker air fryers, you must look into plenty of options. 

1. Countertop Air Fryers

The most common and easily found air fryers are countertop air fryers. They perfectly fit your kitchen countertop, and you can easily access them. You get them in so many different sizes and designs that you will be confused, which needs clarification. I would suggest choosing one that meets your requirements, and I am sure you will find your perfect match. 

2. Toaster-Oven Air Fryers

Air fryers are great for frying your food, but it would be great if you could toast some bread or other stuff. Toaster oven air fryers are so great that you can even bake some of the food of your choice. They are so multi-functional and versatile. You can even get them in different sizes per your needs and available space. 

3. Basket-style Air Fryers

I love basket-style air fryers; they are super cute, compact, and easy to carry. They are portable versions of air fryers and are perfect for negligible cooking. The best thing is that they are super versatile, and you can cook almost anything you want. They are, again, straightforward to clean as the basket is removable. 

4. Multi-Cooker Air Fryers

Air fry or pressure cook: Try anything you want with a multi-cooker air fryer. I love making slow-cooked chicken and some rice, and the flavors are very delectable. They are perfect for almost anything, and you can refer to them as the heroes of the air fryers. 

5. Oven Air Fryers

Air fryers with some oven features sound so great. They are very similar to toaster ovens; the best thing about them is compact. You can cook a good amount of food with multiple cooking racks. You can do much with oven fryers, from baking to roasting to air frying to dehydrating. You must try oven fryers and enjoy the features. 

6. Paddle Air Fryers

The most annoying thing I find about air fryers is that they must be shaken in between so that the food cooks evenly. If you are tired of the same, consider paddle air fryers. You can even sneak a sneak peek into your food through the top glass and enjoy looking at them while they get done. However, they only need a little attention, and you can even cook a good amount of food simultaneously. 

7. Rotisserie Air Fryers

If your air fryers cannot fit full-fledged chicken, why don’t you try rotisserie air fryers? Not only chicken, but they are perfect for other types of meats, and you even get a rotisserie basket if you want your meat to skewer. The food gets cooked evenly and nicely with proper circulation and an equal amount of heat. 

8. Pressure Cooker Air Fryers

Another great discovery of humanity is the pressure cooker air fryer. You get a pressure cooker and an air fryer all at the same time. So, if you want to make a stew or crave fried chicken, you get whatever you want. They are super fun and helpful if you are a person who wants to cook food quickly and easily. 

9. Specialty Air Fryers

Certain foods might not be compatible with regular air fryers, which is where specialty air fryers come into the picture. Some foods perfect for specialty air fryers are turkey and other whole meat that may not need to be in simple air fryers. You would want to use them, especially during holiday seasons like Thanksgiving. 

Pros Of Having An Air Fryer

different air fryer

Undoubtedly, an air fryer is very beneficial, and this is what we will find in the following conversation. Let us see what are the pros of having an air fryer : 

1. Reduced Fat Intake

With an air fryer, you are reducing the fat intake. Look at it this way: to fry stuff, we use lots of oil and deep fry it for a few minutes. Now, when you use an air fryer, you must brush very little oil in most recipes, and you are done. There is less use of oil, which automatically reduces the fat intake. 

2. Lower Risk of Chronic Diseases

As we have already learned, using an air fryer reduces the fat content in your food and lowers the risk of chronic diseases. If you consume less fat, you can keep your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar levels in control. This only means that you will stay away from chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and many more like this. 

3. Time-Efficient

Cooking in an air fryer is super quick and saves so much of your time and energy. If I conventionally fry any food, I would first have to wait for the oil to heat up, and then, for a few minutes, the food will be cooked.

Food like chicken wings or breast must often be refried to make it crisper and tastier. When you use an air fryer, you can get crispy fried stuff within a few minutes. Cooking in the air fryer is super fast and time efficient. 

4. Versatile Cooking

Undoubtedly, an air fryer is versatile when cooking different foods. There are so many things that you can quickly cook in an air fryer, like : 

  • Chicken nuggets
  • Chicken breasts and wings
  • Vegetables
  • Onion rings
  • french fries
  • Cheese sticks
  • Fish
  • Pizza
  • Doughnuts

This is not all; you can cook anything that needs to be fried, and even if you want to reheat the food, an air fryer is perfect. 

5. Promote Weight Loss

You might wonder how cooking in an air fryer will promote weight loss. It is straightforward, as very little oil is used while cooking. The calorie intake is reduced compared to conventionally cooking the same food. So, if you regularly eat fried stuff, consider using an air fryer. This way, you won’t be gaining weight due to fat and calories. 

6. Safer Than Deep Fryers

Yes, an air fryer is safer than a deep fryer. Firstly, less use of oil makes it a healthier option. Secondly, while we fry the food in oil, there are chances of contamination with other food, which can spoil your food. Also, deep frying food in oil will only absorb unhealthy fats, so an air fryer is a better option. 

7. Crisp & Crunchy Food

I love the crunchy bites and crispy texture of the food, and if you want the same, consider air frying. The best thing about using an air fryer is that the hot air first cooks the food from outside and slowly penetrates inside the food. While the food cooks from the inside, the hot air crisps the food’s outer layer, making it very crunchy. So yes, you can enjoy a tremendous crisp and crunchy. 

8. Reheat Foods with Ease

Air fryers not only cook and fry your food, but you can also reheat your food without any problem. Place the food inside the basket and switch on the air fryer. The hot air will circulate inside the air fryer within a few minutes, and your food will be reheated easily. So, air fryers are very bristle. I usually reheat my fries and cooked vegetables and enjoy them warm and friendly.

9. Easy to Clean

Another thing I love about air fryers is that I can save time and energy by cleaning them. Also, it is straightforward to maintain the cleanliness of the air fryer regularly. Most parts of the air fryer are removable, which can be cleaned in a dishwasher with simple cleaning products. 

10. Energy-Efficient

If you are concerned about the environment, choosing an air fryer will work in your favor. Air fryers are energy efficient, and that is why there are no harmful side effects to the environment. They use much less energy than other cooking methods, and you can save a lot of money and electricity while using an air fryer. Unlike ovens and microwaves, air fryers do not require preheating, saving energy. So, choosing air fryers means you’re choosing an eco-friendly product that is energy efficient. 

11. Safe To Use

It would not be wrong to say that air fryers are very safe. They have simple parts that might need to be clarified. The structure of an air fryer is straightforward, and operating it is very convenient for almost anyone who knows how to switch on the appliance. Also, while we fry food, there are chances of getting burned with hot oil. This is not the case with the air fryers. As the use of oil is very minimal, there is no spillage of hot oil and, hence, no accidents. I am confident that air fryers are safe to use. 

12. Low Odor

Generally, when we fry things in hot oil, the food odor spreads everywhere, especially when we fry some fish. If you are worried about the same, let me tell you that using an air fryer will have no or very little odor. So you can cook your food without worrying about the same. Also, we often reuse the oil, which again spoils the smell of the food. Now, if you use an air fryer, very little oil is required, so you eliminate the reusing of oil automatically. 

13. Compact In Size

The best thing about air fryers is that they are very compact. They can fit on the kitchen countertop very quickly, and due to their small size, you can easily carry them wherever you want. The compact size also makes them very convenient to use, and they don’t require high maintenance. 

14. Affordable

Comparing the air fryer and microwave prices, you can clearly note a difference between the both. On the one hand, air fryers are considered cheaper and affordable, whereas microwaves can be pretty expensive. However, it is essential to note that air fryers can be costly depending on the brand and the features they are offering. 

15. Not Much Of Heat

Do you hate when you are frying something and your entire kitchen is filled with smoke? When I often fry potatoes on high heat, my fire alarm starts beeping, which is frustrating. Now, after I started using the air fryer, this problem has been quickly tackled. No smoke will spread in the kitchen, and the air won’t heat up. 

Cons Of Having An Air Fryer

cooking in air fryer

Even though air fryers are small, quick, and convenient to use, some drawbacks must be considered. Let us see all the possible cons of having an air fryer : 

1. Too small 

As already said, air fryers are compact, which makes them easy to use and carry, but this also can work against you. The small size means that you can cook limited food only. So air fryers will only be efficient if you want to cook for a few people. You may have to cook food in batches, which can be very time and energy-consuming. 

2. May Burn and dry food.

The other downside of using an air fryer is that you must learn how to use it to avoid burning the food or drying it from the inside. You must be very careful about overcooking food in an air fryer, or else everything can be ruined. Also, if you leave food for more than the required time, heat may fry the food from inside, and you will be disappointed. 

3. Short power cable

The major problem I face while using an air fryer is that the cord needs to be more significant. This makes the air fryer challenging to use. If you don’t have nearby switches, using them flexibly would not be easy. I want people to sign a petition and ask the brands to make long power cables so that we can all use them efficiently. 

4. Noise

The most irritating thing about some air fryers can be the noise they make while cooking. The noise they make is generally because of the machine operating. If you prefer silent cooking, air fryers are not your thing. When I cook at midnight, I often end up disturbing my family members, which is very disappointing. 

5. Requires learning

I have already mentioned that air fryers are easy to use, but that does not mean you don’t need to learn about the machine. It is essential to explore all the folds of an air fryer; otherwise, you will burn your food or cause an accident. Therefore, it is necessary to learn about the workings of an air fryer.

6. Taste Difference

The one issue I have always faced with air fryers is that the taste and texture can differ. I am not saying that the food cooked in an air fryer will taste bad, but the flavor and texture will vary from the conventional way of frying food. 

7. Challenging To Choose The Right Air Fryer For You

This may be fine for some people, but someone like me who has very little knowledge of air fryers may find it challenging to choose the right one for you. So many models are available, and this cannot be very clear. You may buy something that does not meet your needs and requirements. 

8. Higher End Models Can Be Expensive

Even though air fryers are affordable, some high-end models can be expensive. People prefer new models because they have so many great features. This may burden your budget if you want great features and a low budget. 

9. Need To Shake Mid-Way

The thing that everyone is tired of doing while cooking in air fryers is shaking it mid-way so that food is evenly cooked. If you want to cook without any bother, an air fryer can be a problem. So, it would help if you thought twice before getting one. 

Which One Is More User Friendly?


On a very personal note, I find microwaves more user-friendly than air fryers. The simple reason behind this opinion is that they have many features like temperature control, timer, automatic turn-off, and much more. Microwaves are also safe for children, and that is why I always prefer them, as there is a very minimal risk of accidents. 

Which One Looks More Appealing?


I have an aesthetic preference when it comes to choosing anything, which is seen in air fryers. They are very cute in size and very sleek in design. The looks and designs of air fryers are much more appealing than microwaves. I always prefer an air fryer that matches my kitchen vibes and aesthetics. 

Which One Has More Safety Features?

food in microwave

Without any doubt, microwaves have more safety features than air fryers. You get an automatic turn-off option, which means that even if you are not there near the microwave, your food will not get burned or overcooked.

You need to set a timer, and that is all. Microwaves are safe for kids as well. When it comes to air fryers, they are risky. If you use little oil to fry stuff, there are also chances of spillage. I would give microwaves more points than air fryers. 

Which One is Portable and compact?


Air fryers are much more portable and compact. I have already commented on their cute size, and they are definitely super portable, and you can carry them almost everywhere you want to. When we talk about microwaves, they are compact as well, depending upon the size you choose, but if I am comparing them with air fryers, they don’t stand a chance. 

Which One Is More Affordable?


If I compare the prices of air fryers and microwaves, it is evident that air fryers are much cheaper and inexpensive. They come in different sizes with different features. You can choose whatever type of air fryer you want, depending on your requirements and budget. Microwaves are also available at cheaper prices, but then again, it depends on their features and functionality. 

Which One Is More Easy To Clean?

air fryer

If I have to be honest, air fryers and microwaves are easy to clean. You have to maintain the cleanliness regularly, and there will be no issues with your cooking appliances. If we compare them from every angle, air fryers win this point.

Air fryers have baskets that are easily removable. You can easily clean the baskets and keep the air fryers clean and tidy. Use simple cleaning products like damp towels, and your air fryers will be as clean as new ones. 

Which One Is More Versatile?

AIR fryer

As we compare air fryers and microwaves on different levels, it is very evident that microwaves are more versatile than air fryers. They have so many great features, and you can cook almost anything.

There are many advantages of using microwaves, from warming food to baking, reheating, searing, and much more. They are super quick, and many high-end technologies make them super versatile. Microwaves are more adaptable than air fryers. 

Which One Cooks Healthy Food?

microwave equipment

The best part of using a microwave is that it retains the nutrients of the food being cooked. Air fryers are healthy only if you cook healthy and unprocessed food. I want to highlight that microwaves also reduce the formation of harmful compounds that may be produced during other cooking processes.

On the other hand, air fryers were invented to ease the use of oil while frying stuff, but again, it depends on how much oil is used while cooking in an air fryer. With that point, microwaves cook healthy food. Just make sure that you cook healthy and nutritious food. 

Which One Uses A Better Cooking Technology?


Microwaves are undoubtedly great energy efficient, which is why they have better cooking technology. Also, microwaves have many high-end features that make cooking more accessible. Therefore, it is very evident that microwaves use better cooking technology. 

Which One Offers More Cooking Capacity?


As air fryers come in different sizes, they are mostly very compact and sleek in design, limiting the cooking capacity. On the other hand, microwaves are a little larger than air fryers, and you can cook a much larger quantity of food if you compare them with air fryers. So, for me, microwaves again win the point here. 

Which One Takes Less Time To Cook?


Air fryers usually take a short time to cook simply because the hot air is excellent for frying food quickly. If we talk about microwaves, the cooking time depends on the dish. Some foods take only a few minutes, whereas others take a few hours to cook. So, on that note, air fryers take less time to cook. 

Which One Uses Less Power To Cook Food?

retro microwave

Microwaves are energy-efficient cooking appliances, so they use less cooking power. Even though they cook food faster, that means they may use a lot of energy, but that is untrue. If I compare air fryers with microwaves, microwaves are winning this category swiftly. 

Which One Is Easier To Maintain?

frier in air fryer

Air fryers are easier to maintain simply because of their compact size and design. Air fryers also have straightforward features, and their cleaning process is straightforward. When we compare the same with microwaves, they may require extra effort to maintain. Therefore, air fryers are easy to maintain. 

Who Should Choose An Air Fryer?


Air fryers have so many advantages that anyone who wants to enjoy fried food should consider buying one for themselves. If you want to cut down on fat and calories, then an air fryer is a perfect match for you.

Also, if you wish for convenient cooking equipment that is compact and easy to use, you must choose an air fryer. Therefore, anyone looking for suitable cooking equipment that is super healthy compared to traditional deep frying should consider an air fryer. 

Who Should Choose A Microwave?


Anyone who wants to enjoy all the features of a conventional oven plus other high-end technology must choose a microwave. The best thing about microwaves is that you can cook, heat, and even reheat food quickly.

So, if you want fast cooking with the desired flavor and texture, you should get a microwave. I love using the microwave as I can make so many different recipes and cuisines within no time. Also, it is very safe and energy efficient, so I save a lot of money. 

What If You Want Both?


We humans have been excelling in technology, and that is why we can invent new things that are super convenient and fun. We have discussed all the benefits of a microwave and air fryer separately. If you are like me, you would want a microwave and an air fryer. What if I tell you you can get them together in a single appliance? Interesting. 

New combos in the market have a microwave and air fryer in the same machine. You can warm your food in a microwave and even fry stuff like in an air fryer. These combos are fantastic simply because they are super convenient, and you can benefit from both worlds. Also, they would cost less than buying a microwave and air fryer separately. So, it is a win-win situation for all of us. 

If you are planning to buy this fantastic combo, you must check out the blog post from OKitchenDaily about the air fryer microwave combo. Here, you will get to compare different microwave air fryer combos from other manufacturers and brands, along with all the features and prices. All your work to find a microwave air fryer combo will be done here. 


As we are at the end of this conversation, I am sure you know the difference between a microwave and an air fryer. Even though we have compared them for almost every factor, they are helpful in their way. Go for the one that matches your needs and requirements. 

Just ensure you learn all the equipment use steps and follow the safety measures. Also, keeping the equipment is a top priority to increase its shelf life. 

So, as promised at the start, it is time for the surprise. Have you ever felt it would be better to have both a microwave and an air fryer? *DRUMROLLS* Introducing the best microwave air fryer combo in the market. This is the most exciting news for so many of us. This new microwave air fryer combo lets you enjoy the best of both worlds. 

 I hope that this conversation may have helped you in one way or another. Let me know what you think about each piece of equipment and what you would prefer. I will be back soon with some more conversations like this. Until then, keep on cooking new food. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a microwave? 

A microwave oven is a food-heating device that uses microwaves very similar to radio waves. A microwave will be handy if you want to heat up your food fast. They are used to cook food and reheat or warm the dishes. 

How does a microwave work?

The working process of a microwave oven is a little complicated. It converts electricity into heat that warms or cooks your food. Firstly, it generates electromagnetic waves inside the microwave. Now, these waves bounce back and forth and heat food that sits on a turntable, spinning slowly around so the microwaves cook it evenly. 

What is a microwave air fryer combo?

A microwave air fryer combo is an equipment that has features of both the equipment – air fryer and microwave. You can cook, reheat, warm, and even fry food items. 

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